The humidity put a damper on a lot of folks today, still, how can the Maymont X-Terra Half not be a fun run? Post a comment and tell us how you did, how you felt, and anything else you want to say about the race.
A gathering place for runners in Richmond's (VA) West End (Short Pump area)
1. Go to http://www.blogger.com.If you are posting a running route, please put the miles and the name of the route in the "Labels for this post" block, each separated by a comma. Then, later, you or anyone can click on, for instance, "8 miles" and get a list of all the posts with that in the label. For example, if you are posting the Raintree route for 6.5 miles and for 8 miles, you would put:
2. Log in with your username and password.
3. That should take you straight to the "Dashboard". If it doesn't, look for the "Dashboard" link near the top right corner of the page.
4. At the Dashboard, you should see the RVA West End Running blog listed. Click on "New Post".
5. It should be self-explanatory from there: Enter a title, hit Tab twice and enter the text of the blog.
1 comment:
Thanks, Kathy, for running with me the first 7 miles.
I'm glad I ran the race -- but I wasn't terribly happy about my time (2:01:27 unofficial). I guess it was the humidity and I may not have hydrated well enough. Maybe it was just one of those days. Maymont is a real challenge and fun.
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