Monday, September 29, 2008

1-Oct Run: Pump Rd 6/5 Miles

What better way to start a Wednesday morning (hump day) and a new month than a 10K run with a great group of people. Here's Todd Callis' e-mail about the Posse run on 1 October:
OK, I am going to try and ask this w/ a straight face... everyone up for another Wed run??... i say that b/c i have yet to make it to a run since we officially organized. I WILL be there this week tho, I have been freshening up on my clock math all week and my daughter will not get anything to drink after 5PM on Tuesday night!!

I know Clair is out this week, but hopefully everyone else can make it.

Tried to throw in a little bit of some new scenery, but its not too unfamiliar.. route directions are below.

I have a bid going on Wed morning, so if we want to push it a little earlier or leave right at 5:20 this week... that would be great.

Will see everyone (that includes me) on Wed!

Pump RD – 6.2 miler

* LEFT on Ridgefield
* Left on Glen Eagles (1 miles just b/f Strangford)
* Left on Doverton
* Right on Blandfield
* Left on Church
* Right on Clary Preston (2 miles just b/y Brandyview)
* Right on Sunrise
* Cross Pump Rd turns into Sandy Bluff
* First Left on Vanna
* Turn Right, road turns into Coolwind Lane
* Left on Cool Stream Dr
* Left on Summer Stream Dr
* Right on Center Ridge Dr (3 miles)
* Left on Hazel Tree Dr
* Right on Pump (Be careful -- no sidewalks)
* Left on Three Chopt (stop light)
* Left on Park Terrace
* Left on Rutgers Drive (4 miles @ Empress Ct)
* Left on Rutgers LANE
* Left on Waterford Way
* Left on Church
* Immediate Right on Copperas (5 miles @ Church Ct)
* Left on Ridgefield (6 miles)
* Left on John Rolfe
* Back to ABC Store

If you want to go 5 miles,

* Follow above, After Right on Sunrise
* Left on Pump (be careful -- no sidewalks)
* Left on Carmon
* Left on Sable
* Right on Waterford Way
* Right on Abbey Lane
* Left on Church
* Right on Copperas
* Left on Ridgefield
* Left on John Rolfe

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Maymont X-Terra Half

The humidity put a damper on a lot of folks today, still, how can the Maymont X-Terra Half not be a fun run? Post a comment and tell us how you did, how you felt, and anything else you want to say about the race.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

John Rolfe 7:00 a.m. 9/27 - 8 & 13 mile options

9/27 Downtown Short Pump Route (8 miles)

Go out of shopping center down John Rolfe Pkwy
LEFT on Ridgefield Pkwy (stay on sidewalk!!!)
LEFT on Glen Eagles DR (1 mile @ Eagles View Dr)
LEFT on Doverton RD
RIGHT on Blandfield ST
LEFT on Church RD
First RIGHT on Clary Preston DR (2 miles)
LEFT on Sunrise RD
RIGHT on East Waterford Way
RIGHT on Rutgers LN
LEFT on Rutgers DR (3 miles at Ormond)
RIGHT on Glen Gary DR
LEFT on Park Terrace DR (SAG #1)
Cross Lauderdale (4 miles)
1st LEFT on Ridgemere
RIGHT on N Gayton
1st LEFT on Hardings Trace WAY
Bear RIGHT on Hardings Trace LN
LEFT on Wilde Lake DR (5 miles @ Pleasant Lake Dr)
LEFT on Causeway Dr
Cross Lauderdale turns into Gayton (be careful!!!!)
Second LEFT on Fox Meadow DR
LEFT on Poplar Forest DR (6 miles)
RIGHT on Fox Meadow DR
LEFT on Cutler Ridge DR (7 miles, just before Cutlers Ridge)
LEFT on Ridgefield Pkwy (be careful, no sidewalks)
LEFT on John Rolfe Pkwy
back in the way we came out.

9/27 Downtown Short Pump Route (13 miles)

Go out of shopping center down John Rolfe Pkwy
LEFT on Ridgefield Pkwy (stay on sidewalk!!!)
LEFT on Glen Eagles DR (1 mile @ Eagles View Dr)
LEFT on Doverton RD
RIGHT on Blandfield ST
LEFT on Church RD
First RIGHT on Clary Preston DR (2 miles)
LEFT on Sunrise RD
RIGHT on East Waterford Way
RIGHT on Rutgers LN
LEFT on Rutgers DR (3 miles at Ormond)
RIGHT on Glen Gary DR
RIGHT on Park Terrace DR
LEFT on Three Chopt Road (4 miles at Waycross)
RIGHT on Lauderdale Drive
LEFT on West Broad Street
LEFT on N Gayton Road
RIGHT on Causeway Dr (6 miles)
RIGHT on Church Road
LEFT on Willde Lake Drive (8 miles at Northwind)
RIGHT on Causeway Drive
CROSS OVER LAUDERDALE turns into Gayton Road
LEFT on Fox Meadow Drive
LEFT on Poplar Forest Drive
RIGHT on Laclede Ave
LEFT on Fox Meadow Drive (10 miles at Bothwell)
LEFT on Cutler Ridge Drive
LEFT on Ridgefield Parkway
RIGHT on John Rolfe Parkway
RIGHT on Gayton Road
RIGHT on Quail Covery Road (12 miles at Robins Nest Ct)
RIGHT on Cambridge Drive
RIGHT on Ridgefield Parkway
LEFT on John Rolfe Parkwayback in the way we came out.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9/24 Run -- Waterford 5/6 miles

Wednesday, 27 24 September, run. Todd Callis has provided both a 6 mile route and a 5 mile route. We'll leave at 5:20 from in front of the ABC store in John Rolfe Commons.

Waterford – 6miles

* Right on Ridgefield
* Right on Copperas
* Left on Church
* Immediate Right on East Waterford
* Immediate Left on West Waterford
* Left on Beaver Creek
* Left on Dalkeith
* Right on Glen Geary
* Right on Park Terrace
* Immediate Right on Rutgers
* Left on Dalkeith
* Immediate Left on Beaver Creek
* Right on West Waterford
* Left on East Waterford
* First Right on Sunrise
* Right on Cleary Preston
* Right on Church
* Left on Copperas
* Left on Ridgefield
* Left on John Rolfe

5mile Option

* Follow directions to the Right on Glen Geary
* Right on Windingdale
* Right on Rutgers
* Left on Dalkeith
* Left on Beaver Creek
* Right on West Waterford
* Right on East Waterford
* Left on Church
* Immediate Right on Copperas
* Left on Ridgefield
* Left on John Rolfe

Carpool to Maymont on Saturday

I'm happy for folks to ride with me to and from Maymont X-Terra Half this Saturday. I'll leave John Rolfe Commons parking lot (ABC store) at 5:30 am. That should give time for you to pick up your packet and get to the starting line before 7:00 (start time). I can take up to 6 people.

Bob Allen

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9/20 Run

Both groups are 8 miles this weekend. Below is the route, we leave at 7am from PT Works in the John Rolfe shopping center. Contact me at if you have any questions.

Backdoor School Route

Go out of shopping center down John Rolfe Pkwy
RIGHT on Ridgefield Pkwy (get to left side on sidewalk)
LEFT on Poplar Forest Dr (1 mile)
LEFT on Cambridge Dr
First LEFT on Shady Branch Trail
Cross Cambridge Dr (2 miles just prior to crossing)
Turns into Stonequarter Dr
LEFT on Cambridge Dr
Second LEFT on Quail Covey RD (3 miles at Robins Nest Ct)
LEFT on Gayton Rd
RIGHT on John Rolfe Pkwy
LEFT on Lauderdale Dr
LEFT on Edenbury Dr
RIGHT on Careybrook Dr (4 miles)
LEFT on Westbriar Dr
LEFT on Stoneycreek Dr
LEFT on Blendon Lane
RIGHT on Cloisters Dr (5 miles)
LEFT on Brendonbridge Lane
RIGHT on Ryandale Rd
Cross Gayton Rd (be careful!!!)
LEFT on Baypines Lane (6 miles)
RIGHT on Cloisters Dr
LEFT on Ryandale Rd
Next LEFT on Timberly Way (follow thru Townhome complex)
LEFT on Stanton Way (at a round-a-bout / 7 miles)
Follow to end of Cul-de-sac and back out to John Rolfe Pkwy)
RIGHT on John Rolfe Pkwy
Cross Ridgefield Pkwy
back in the way we came out.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Wednesday, 17 Sept: 5-miler

E-mail from Todd Callis on Tuesday morning:

This is a post for the WEDNESDAY run from the John Rolfe ABC store, Kathy will be sending out the Sat info later. I am just going to do a mass email once, after this, we can get an email list going for WED so you dont have to get an additional email you dont need. We have a group that has been going for a while.. the Wed Morning Posse... most are now training for the Richmond Marathon. Right now its just me doing the less mileage but I think Lynde and Owen are going to start running as well. Lynde and I are in the 8:30 - 9:00 range and Owen is around the 10 or so range for paces. We will be running at 5:30 am sharp... when its 6 miles or more, we will run at 5:20am. Remember to bring reflective gear and/or your head lamps. Come on out, get that long mid-week run out the way early so you dont have to worry about it all day... its not as early as it seems!!

Lauderdale Run – 5 Miles

  • Right on Ridgefield Pkwy
  • Cross Lauderdale
  • Right on Pleasant Run Dr
  • Left on Lauderdale (dead end)
  • 1st Right on Francis Drake (apartment complex)
  • Left on Gayton (dead end)
  • 2nd Right on Fox Meadow
  • Left on Poplar Forest
  • Right on Fox Meadow
  • Left on Cutlers Ridge
  • Left on Ridgefield Pkwy
  • Left on John Rolfe Pkwy back into ABC store

Welcome to West End Running

This blog is set up as a team blog for the various running groups in the West End of Richmond (Short Pump area). Primarily, that would be the groups that trained together for the 2008 Patrick Henry Half Marathon but I'm game for anyone to participate.

Let me suggest some guidelines:

1. I can set anyone up as an author but would prefer to limit that privilege to folks who actually run with a West End group. An author can create a new post and edit his/her posts. New posts would start a new topic -- setting a time for a group run, setting a meeting place for a group run, soliciting running companions for a run, posting the route for a particular run, asking questions about running, posting advice about running (that's not in response to a posted question), posting information about races, posting information about special deals on gear, etc. We probably ought to be careful about hot button topics and stick to running-related stuff or to topics that we know are of interest.

2. Anyone can comment on a post. This would be the best way, for instance, to let the leader of a particular group run know that you will or will not run with the group on a given day. It's also the best way to respond to questions or requests for advice.

3. I would set up some key people as administrators. Administrators can add/remove authors and can edit anything -- at least any posts. I think an administrator can also delete obnoxious, offensive, irrelevant comments.

4. In the beginning, I would not set up any kind of challenge for comments -- no graphic-word to decipher and type in, no vetting of comments, etc. If the blog attracts spam or irresponsible postings, then that can always be tightened up later. However, my experience on my personal blog is that I haven't had trouble (maybe because only a very few people bother to read it).

If you want to be set up as an author, e-mail me at (shilingi dot moja at gmail dot com) and let me know how you relate to Richmond West End Running.

Run well, y'all,
Bob Allen